BVPPC (25/63)

From:Robbin Van Ooy
Date:16 May 2000 at 04:47:01
Subject:Re: I cant believe it :)

At 11-May-00, Robert Kihl said something about
[bvppc] Re: I cant believe it :), resulting in this reply.


>> Ive had more before, definately always in the 90's.. :/
>Do you think it�s slower �cos of the refix?

Definately. Lower busspeed means lower performance, especially in apps like
thos, thay depend more on high busspeed than high clock frequency.


>> And.. any idea where I can get the old one from? :)
>I can send it to you private if you want but I think the old version was
>uploaded on aminet aswell.

It doesnt look like it, can you send me the old version? I hope you've got
cable :^) Use my private email adress :)

>The new version hangs here with Warp3D rendering :/
>>> and that is not using PPC IIRC. And I don�t think the context switches
>>> for reading mouse/keyboard would slow down 8-10 fps. Does this happen for
>>> anyone else?

If you're talking about enforce then yes, it happens for all of us. When
you dont move, the fps will go through the roof, its like comparing
timerefresh in Quake with timedemo.

>> Well, not so many, but Im sure context switches are responsible for quite
>> some slowdown in certain apps :/
>Yeah, but this seams more like some hardware conflict caused by my dodgy
>keyboard interface. Anyone else had this problem and manage to fix it?

Cant answer this one, Im using the kb interface that comes with the Elbox.

>>> Btw, sorry for the a bit of topic discussion :)
>> Well, if this wasnt on-topic, what is? :)
>Oh well it�s not really much about bvppc :)

Is it not? its where the software runs on isnt it? :)

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